Corporate Case Study Video Production Package

Video Case Studies are one of the most powerful B2B marketing tools, as they give potential customers proof that your products or services deliver results.

6 Filming Days | $7,499 per Filming Day

Up-to 6 Custom Videos

$7,499 per video

Inside This Video Production Package…

Up-To 6 Custom Videos

Customer Case Study Videos

Overview: Video case studies allows in-depth, multi-faceted explorations of complex issues in their real-life settings. A well produced case study video can capture a buyer’s interest and motivate them to reach out to you sooner.

Purpose: Video case studies are effective across the entire sales funnel. In addition to including on your website, case study video content works well on LinkedIn and other appropriate social media channels including YouTube. This content would also work on your company blogs and are often shared with industry groups and associations on their websites and/or social media channels. This content is often used in webinars, at trade shows, exhibitions and via email campaigns.

Quantity: VideoFresh will provide 3 90-Second Case Study videos as part of this package.

Length: 90 seconds each


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Video Production Package Breakdown

The following video deliverables will be captured on each filming day:

Filming Days 1 - 6 - Up-to Six (6) 90-Second B2B Case Study Videos

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