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COVID-19 Safety Policy


In an effort to support the safety of our employees and clients, VideoFresh adheres to the following policies during Production to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other airborne illnesses:

  • Crews is required to wear masks during production

  • Clients and subjects are required to wear masks throughout production (except for a subject who is actively being filmed)

  • Individuals experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms must alert management and not be present during production

  • Temperatures will be taken of all crew, cast, and clients present on production before entering the premises

  • Gear is thoroughly wiped and sanitized before and after each production

  • Employees will wipe down any equipment that subjects come in contact with throughout production

No VideoFresh employee, crew member, cast member, or client will ever be required to expose themselves to risks related to COVID-19 with which they are not comfortable. All VideoFresh employees, crew, clients, and individuals present at VideoFresh productions are fully responsible for assuming their own level of exposure and risk to COVID-19, or any other public health risk, during the performance of any and all job duties. In the event that any individual finds themselves exposed to a level of risk they are not comfortable with related to duties of their job with VideoFresh, VideoFresh requires that they alert management immediately so they can be removed from said risk. By entering the premises of a VideoFresh production or office location, all individuals agree and understand the above terms.