VideoFresh Offers Free eBook, “Amazon Video Marketing Best Practices.”

VideoFresh, a leading provider of video content solutions for Amazon sellers, announces the release of its new eBook, "Amazon Video Marketing Best Practices". The eBook is designed to help Amazon sellers multiply their conversions using the power of video content.

The eBook covers a range of topics including the importance of video content in Amazon sales, video categories for Amazon sellers, the four big video content mistakes, and best practices for Product Detail Pages (PDP), Storefront, and Video Ads.

The eBook emphasizes the big opportunity for sellers to increase their sales by adopting an effective video content strategy before their competitors.

According to Amazon, Amazon Sponsored Brand Videos increase click-through rates by 108% and increase conversions by 32% compared to brands that did not use video in their paid Amazon campaign In fact Amazon claims that just having a video on a Product Detail Page is proven to increase sales 9.7%”

"Video content is a sure-fire way to increase both traffic and conversions on Amazon Product Detail Pages," says Rob Wiltsey, CEO of VideoFresh. "With the vast majority of Amazon PDPs lacking video content, sellers have a unique opportunity to gain a competitive advantage and increase sales."

Download your free copy of the Amazon Video Marketing Best Practices eBook today at

About VideoFresh: VideoFresh is a leading provider of video content solutions for Amazon sellers. The company helps Amazon sellers increase conversions and sales by creating engaging and effective video content for their Product Detail Pages, Storefront, and Video Ads. With a focus on customer success, VideoFresh provides a comprehensive suite of video content services designed to help Amazon sellers grow their businesses.

VideoFresh is a leading video production company for Amazon sellers and is an AAPN-Amazon Advertising Partner and an ACSM/ACS-Amazon Creative Services Partner. Click here, to schedule a call to discuss how VideoFresh specializes in producing all the custom videos your Amazon products need to drive traffic and increase sales.


VideoFresh Earns Accolades as a Leading Video Production Company for Amazon Sellers


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